Download “May” Handwriting Font of the Day for 07/10/2024

vLetter May Font — FREE!

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This is the handwriting of May Meriwether of Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1893, May, working for Dr. John Kellogg, invented Granola. Granola was basically a barely edible bran whole grain biscuit that ryely copied a competitor’s product that was spelt “Granula”. As corny a move as it was, it allowed them to barley avoid a lawsuit (Kellogg’s got it thrown oat). The development of this font was financially supported by the Vegan Party of Marin Co., CA.

Researcher: HughA


Try our free demos and downloads to see vLetter handwriting fonts for yourself! You can download the free Handwriting Font of the Day (HFOTD) below, or check out any of the free downloadable demos listed at right.

NOTE: Each Handwriting Font Of The Day is offered with permission of the original handwriter and without their signature. If you think your handwriting would make a good addition to the HFOTD series, please let us know!

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