How to Make Your Own Handwriting Worksheets

You can use any of our Schoolhouse Fonts sets to design your own handwriting worksheets. The worksheets can be used not only as a handwriting regimen, but also to provide lessons in vocabulary, geography, history, literature and more!

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Which Schoolhouse Fonts set should I use?

Create your own handwriting worksheets with Schoolhouse D'Nealian® & Zaner-Bloser® style fontsYou should choose the set that matches what is taught at your child’s school. When children are first learning to read and write, they cannot easily recognize more than one style of writing. You should avoid teaching a different method than the school, as it may confuse and frustrate your child.

variations in letter shapes

As adults, we can recognize variations of a character as the same character. When children are first learning to read, each character variation is a completely different shape that is unrelated to the other shapes. This graphic example of the lowercase a and g shows different variations in writing styles. As adults, we know that these are a’s and g’s, but to a child, each shape is a different character that must be learned separately.

Click here to view example fonts in the Schoolhouse D’Nealian and Zaner-Bloser® style sets.

Handwriting Worksheets Basics

parents can create handwriting worksheetsHere are some basic guidelines for creating and using handwriting worksheets for children.

  1. Practice everyday: daily sessions from 10-15 minutes in length are optimum (longer sessions can cause fatigue).
  2. Shape, then size, then slant: when students are first learning to write, they should master correct letter shapes first, then master correct letter size, then master correct letter slant.
  3. Use 60-72 point font size: children write at larger sizes when first learning; larger font sizes on the paper are easier for them to trace and copy.
  4. Words on top, lines below: placing blank lines below practice words works better for left-handed children, and also works for right-handed children.

handwriting practice makes perfect sense!

Handwriting and Autism

Children with Autism may not have the motor skills to handle writing instruments very well. Doing exercises to improve motor skills will help them develop strength and dexterity in their hands. Capital letters seem to be easier for them to write, compared to lowercase letters. They also tend to start letter shapes from the bottom, instead of from the top. The important thing for them to learn is to write letter shapes that are recognizable and legible.

Click on the sample worksheets below to see an enlarged view

SchZPrint_Worksheet SchZCursive_Worksheet
SchDPrint_Worksheet SchDCursive_Worksheet