Download “Nancyjo” Handwriting Font of the Day for 07/09/2024
vLetter Nancyjo Font — FREE!
This is the handwriting of Nancyjo Anderson of the Crayola Company. She was the Sr. Product Manager in charge of Crayola crayons. In 1998, she decided to change the name of the Indian Red crayon to Chestnut bowing to pressure from activists who believed the crayon was named as a reference to American Indians’ skin color. In reality, this color was actually named for a pigment that originated in India. With the new Chestnut color came a disclaimer. The crayon manufacturer warned children that, despite the famous song, these chestnuts should never be roasted over an open fire. Mainly because they soften and melt at around 105 degrees F.
Researcher: HughA
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NOTE: Each Handwriting Font Of The Day is offered with permission of the original handwriter and without their signature. If you think your handwriting would make a good addition to the HFOTD series, please let us know! |