Daily Archives: 31 August 2024

Download “Krupnick” Handwriting Font of the Day for 08/31/2024

vLetter Krupnick Font — FREE!

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This is the handwriting of Charles Krupnick of Highgate, a suburban area of north London at the north-eastern corner of Hampstead Heath. It sits atop North Hill. Charles, a lifelong resident of Highgate is convinced it should be renamed North Mountain. He was galvanized into action by the movie “The Englishman Who Went up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain”, starring Hugh Grant (no relation to this researcher). He’s paid over 3000£ in surveying fees and added 10 meters on his own at the highest point. The townspeople don’t know what to think of all this – their interest peaked a few years ago but it’s recently kind of fallen off a cliff. They agree the hill is butteiful, but is it a mountain?

Researcher: HughA


Try our free demos and downloads to see vLetter handwriting fonts for yourself! You can download the free Handwriting Font of the Day (HFOTD) below, or check out any of the free downloadable demos listed at right.

NOTE: Each Handwriting Font Of The Day is offered with permission of the original handwriter and without their signature. If you think your handwriting would make a good addition to the HFOTD series, please let us know!

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