vLetter Angel Font — FREE!
This is the handwriting font of Gabriel Engel of Saint Shepard, Missouri. Gabriel worked as an ER nurse in a local hospital and on Feb. 12th, 2011, was instrumental in saving the life of 12 year old Manuel Morales. Afterwards, Manuel gave Gabriel the name “Angel” and the name stuck. Gabriel doesn’t have a halo or play the harp, so he’s no angel, but don’t try to convince Manuel.
Researcher: HughA
Try our free demos and downloads to see vLetter handwriting fonts for yourself! You can download the free Handwriting Font of the Day (HFOTD) below, or check out any of the free downloadable demos listed at right.
NOTE: Each Handwriting Font Of The Day is offered with permission of the original handwriter and without their signature. If you think your handwriting would make a good addition to the HFOTD series, please let us know! |