School Orders

Our options for school orders and business orders are listed below. Please read our store policies before ordering.

Purchase a Single Copy

Single copies of each Schoolhouse Fonts set are available for purchase online (with a credit card, debit card or PayPal). Schools can also purchase single copies with a valid purchase order. See details below.

Purchase a Site License

Install one set of Schoolhouse Fonts for up to ten computers at one physical address for a school or business. We also offer volume pricing for multiple schools in a district. To use Schoolhouse Fonts for more than ten computers at one location, please contact us for a quote (the discounts are even greater for more computers!) Schools may purchase a site license with a valid purchase order or credit card. Businesses may order with a credit card or check (we do not invoice businesses). Please contact us to order a site license.

PRICING Schoolhouse SmartFonts
OpenType® format
for Mac or PC
Schoolhouse Fonts
TrueType® format
for PC only
Single copy $59.95 $49.95
Site License $299.95 $249.95
Single copy upgrade* $29.95 $24.95
Site license upgrade* $149.95 $124.95
try the demos first >> try free demo try free demo

* Upgrade pricing available only for previous version purchase of same license.


Schools and government organizations within the U.S. may use purchase orders to purchase software from our company. Other vLetter products also can be ordered via purchase order; please specify product details.

Purchase orders can be mailed or e-mailed for fulfillment.

vLetter, Inc.
3663 Holly Dr
Hood River, OR 97031

Order details must specify:
• Zaner-Bloser® or D’Nealian® style
• SmartFonts or TrueType format
• Single copy or site license, and quantity
• Name and street address of site(s) receiving site license(s)
• Shipping method (e-mail $0; or CD $10)
specify e-mail address